
How to become a better communicator

Communication is part of our lives. All the time we are communicating something to someone, even though we don’t want to do it. In general, we tend to think that communication is natural and, therefore, we do it right. However, it is a skill we have to learn.  In the same way that we learn …

Culture: how different we are

When you think about your culture, you know what that means and you can describe to someone else those things that make you be, for example, a person from Latin America or from Europe. But what does the word “culture” really mean? According to Wikipedia, culture is “the set of customs, traditions, and values of …

Reputación online: el caso de las famosas argentinas y la estafa con la maquinita para la mejorar la piel

“Cría fama y échate a dormir, cría mala fama y échate a huir”, así dice un famoso refrán que bien  deberían leer las famosas argentinas involucradas en un escándalo por vender una maquinita para el rostro para, en teoría, lograr una piel perfecta (de la empresa estadounidense Nu Skin, cuya filial está imputada en Argentina). Estas famosas …