Showing 5 Result(s)

UX Design: DoctoApp

DoctoApp is an Android App that allows users to look for doctors who treat particular conditions, book a medical appointment and store their prescriptions and medical checks (blood test, ultrasounds, etc.). The platform is designed for adults in Latin America, particularly those who suffer chronic or autoimmune diseases. Duration: 2 weeks Solo project role: UX/UI …

UX Design: Kimen

Kimen is an app that helps users learn a new language by choosing lessons by topics, setting learning goals, creating lists of words, and completing exercises to practice the lexicon of their lists. Why “Kimen”? It means “to learn” in Mapudungun, the language spoken by the Mapuche people, who lived in Chile and Argentina. It’s …

UX Design: MyMoney

MyMoney is a digital wallet that allows users to manage their finances smoothly, safely, and efficiently. Users can deposit, exchange and store different currencies, receive and send money, and create saving goals. All in one app and in simple steps. The platform was designed for young adults all over the world who embrace technology as …